
Sunday, December 30, 2018


'Babbling Brook of Hippity Hoppity breezy Blissful' self...

The problem is the moment I become my normal
'Babbling Brook of Hippity Hoppity breezy Blissful' self...
I trip over the banana peels or speed breakers or sometimes over Nothing or Everything!
and get myself seriously injured.....and I have go in hibernation...which I hate....


End of story!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

'Excellent' quote! :)

Word play and puns can be smart but this world needs wisdom and strength! :)
Forced views trigger the most incredible art!
As famously said....take your broken heart make it into art! Amen! :)
Many more to come! (Unfortunately)

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas musings :)

Some more lines from the success stories!

You have always loved the physical movement of climbing.
There is certain joy in swinging around, propelling yourself upward.
The fluidity of movement!
Right now you are afraid of so many things!
strangers, falling.

That's fine. Fears are natural part of life!
But over the time you will realize that the only way to overcome fear is
to broaden your comfort zone! Its a long, slow process.
It requires constantly pushing yourself!
Bt eventually you will be pretty great at overcoming these fears!
You will frequently think about death and the little annoyances will melt away!

There will always be people calling you crazy or thinking that you have death wish.
That's fine. They don't see the amount of time and effort that goes in appropriation.
or your drive to do something difficult. Specially if its never done before!

But you will always find find a purpose in exploring your limits!
Do't let anyone else's opinion rein you in!

It does not matter what anyone else thinks...
Live your life in a way that you feel most fulfilling!
For many years, climbing will be the most important thing in your life!
You will put climbing before everything else!

Climbing is a life long journey! Use it to learn and grow!
And most important! Don't forget to enjoy the view :)

Some old work!

Things that matter!

Words matter! what we say, how we say.....
and what does it communicate..
it all matters!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Fly Away Home Trailer [HD]

That dreams don't work until you do!

Some movies are not just movies, they inspire us to chase our dreams

This is one of them. Always and forever :)

Recently I got to read Violet the pilot, which reminded me of Fly away home :)


Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.

- Rabindranath Tagore

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Sleep Tight :)

Some more :)

Work hard for your passions!
Because It is not a sacrifice if you get to do what you love!
Being a winner is a mind set!
Important thing is 
You should make people around you laugh
and make them love themselves!
You will become the role model you think you would have had wen you were younger.

You will look yourself in the mirror and see someone that you like!
and finally see a winner looking back at you!
Now go on and conquer the world! :)

Winters be like!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Low tolerance

Low tolerance is a weakness......don't confuse it with strength!
Trusting people requires strength!

I choose to hold on to past things because I believe...

They handed this glass to me...(which might be true)
but you are holding it in your hands! And YOU have the power to
put it away and release it! Holding on to that glass for such a long time is paralyzing....
put it away....let it go....

Things to remember!

Because I am happy!

Why should I bend because I am happy so I am smiling and because they are not they are not smiling! I am happy irrespective of the out situations. Because I am strong, happy and powerful I will say Good morning to you again and again and again....

तुम रूठे हम छुटे :)

तुम रूठे हम छुटे :)

If you are angry with me! Thank God I saved the effort of talking to you! :)
Very conveniently we are saying this to ourselves.

Something as simple as this!

Someone is passing by and you say Hi and they don't say Hi...
and then we very conveniently say,

तुम रूठे हम छुटे :)

Today it was an acquaintance, tomorrow it could be someone
as important as your family.

Can we afford to say this then?

Do we have the power the walk up to that person and just talk to her?
can that be simpler?

I have never bent! Now someone tells me to bend.
No its very difficult for me! Because I am so stiff!

But staying stiff is easy....bending may appear like a step back.
It may appear as its hurting...

but there came a scene where I was needed to bend and did not!
and i broke a lot of things that day! Because I had never bent in simpler,
easier scenes of life.
I abandoned people who did not smile back...and the list of people I have abandoned 
let me tell you is long!

How many of us have the power to walk up to people who downright ignore us, who walk 
through us when we say good morning to them...How many of us have the power to go up to them
smile and say good morning to them once again!

I am saying Good Morning because it keeps me healthy. Its nothing to do with her or him!
You can say Good morning to them and not feel bad about how they treated you!

This is Not absorbing their negative energy but transforming it!

People who Endorse

Don't seek people who endorse your hurt, complain that it is valid!
and how the world is wrong...
It may feel good at the moment but they are not your real friends..
seek someone who tells you ''How you made a mistake, and tells you to
reflect on your actions!"

Conditions apply!

Out of their habits....

People are doing things out of their habits....
Not because they want to hurt you...

You need to be stronger so that you don't get affected by their actions...
Help get over their habits!
By staying calm!

I choose not to get hurt because of your habits.
That is power!

Its not about you!

You might be having 10 qualities but the person in front has a habit of only picking the flaws. Sometimes its not about you. Its about him....

Make sure you don't develop a habit of seeing the flaws.....learn to see the best in people!

And every time you are not at fault!

Friday, December 21, 2018


Baseline -

Don't go rambling over facebook but don't sit and sulk at home!
Learn a lesson and keep working!


We have to be aware how energies are working.
How people can pull us to their lower energy
or how we can pull them to our higher energy....

Two reasons

The world is in pain only because of two reasons,
we are reflecting and absorbing each other's energy!

We should learn to transform.....

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Another experience

Its not going to be easy.
In the end you will reach deep inside yourself
to find the strength to carry through.
Try to remember these things as you go on this journey.
You like to be independent 
But you will need to learn to ask for help!
It does not make you weak.
At some of the most important times in your life
You will fight against fate
You won't be able to accept that you are on a path 
that eventually will lead you to happiness.
Make new friends, hold their hands.
In your darkest days of despair, a friend's hand will 
get you through the worst.
Last but not the least, enjoy every moment that you can
When the dark days come, all the lovely memories will seem dead, empty
It will take practice and hard work to find joy sometimes!
Sometimes you will think you cannot take it another day...
But if you hang in there, one step at a time, 
you will be able to accomplish more than you ever imagined!
Good luck and may God bless you Always!

Another experience another set of lines :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Inspiring people say the most amazing things!

Hey! I know you don't want to listen to anything that I am telling you.
You have such an independent streak! But this is important!
Don't ever lose that sense of independence! or doubt it!
Its your greatest strength! Even if the way that you are seeing things 
feels like the loneliest place in the world, trust it! 
Its the greatest thing any one of us can do, actually is to trust our instincts!
And your trust in your senses! Especially your eyes!  
An ability of seeing the beauty in each picture...
You senses will lead you to people and places that will fill your life 
with richness and with happiness and will give a meaning and depth.
I know this sounds crazy!

Soon you will start creating art and it will be 
a revelation not only to yourself but for others as well!
Have confidence in that! You will learn that 
creating art is a way of building a community! 
When communities are falling apart around the world!
You cannot comprehend this now! 
But creating art will become a powerful way to bring people together,
feed them ideas and start a revolution! 
Work and pleasure will become the same things!

Don't be afraid to work hard and realize that sometimes that the smallest
jobs are often important! Don't judge what work is valid and what is not!

Always collaborate! You are strong at somethings but not at everything!
and other's strengths will inspire you to create something, 
that is greater than what you can imagine!

But always remember to be grateful!

I know you will always have this wild side of you.
and you will have many adventures and that's okay!
Its great in fact!

But I want you to know, so that you don't worry about it...

Your work will help children to be better people! Nourishing their minds!
and teaching them values that we need for the future of this planet!

From some of the success stories that I am going through for past few days!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Things to learn!

These lines  :)

You will never be free! 
But that's okay. 
I am here to tell you that you will learn to wear 
those chains with graceI 

I know the thought of an ordinary existence makes your skin crawl...
but sometimes you have got to keep it simple!
Slow down and don't take things so seriously!
It may seem like a lot! Almost too much for you to carry..
But I am here to tell you that with love and support of your well wishers,
there will come a point where you are no longer plunged against your will...
you no longer wear your chains with grace,
You are grace itself!

Some more beautiful lines!

"You have developed a stutter. And it is debilitating,
it embarrasses you! and the bullies are vicious!
But remember "Courage resides in every heart and
yours is fierce and clear!"
and Always remember "when you get knocked down, get up, get up!"
Because if you listen, you will  have the courage to overcome the stammer
and you will learn to stand up to bullies!

An old sketch

Personally I feel these two lines are something I should be learning like really fast! :)

1. "That a job is more than a pay cheque, its about dignity, its about respect"
2. "That you should say what you mean and mean what you say..."

I hope I will be able to learn the
last two lines as quick a s possible!
I better!

Monday, December 17, 2018

- Life

In short...

It will never be perfect,
make it work!

- Life

Be Yourself!

You will be made to believe that you have to be perfect if you want to be loved.
But don't believe it and become your own person!
Know that you are enough!

Out of every terrible thing that happens, something good will come if you look hard enough! :)

Its like never giving up on your garden! Nurture it and it will be back to its original state of being beautiful! :)

Hold Tight!

Everything you fought for so hard, stability, balance, confidence, will feel like its at risk!
It will be attacked by people who never met you and really care to. They will try to harm you for their own gain. Don't stoop to their level. No matter how gratifying it may feel in the moment. Hold tight to those values that got you so far.

Have faith, a good sense of humor and be happy!

New year spirit!

Do no harm! Take no Shit!

Lets explore different ways of 'not accepting crap'

This new year.....because for transforming energy,
you should not be vulnerable and affected by the negativity.

Be strong......Be wise....

Sunday, December 16, 2018

How to deal with rumors #3

Don't hide it from seniors

Not reporting a rumor about ourselves to seniors (if it is in the workplace) or elders (if it is in our personal life) is a big mistake. Soon, they will hear about it and if we are not the ones who inform them about the rumor first, hearing it from someone else may cause them to believe the rumor. If we report it first, they will know not to believe in it when they hear it.

Three things with energy

Only three things can happen with energy,

1. You absorb people's energy
2. You reflect people's energy
3. You transform people's energy

Thing to remember is, we are in Kalyug.
We must learn to choose third option

Friday, December 14, 2018

What can we say

Instead of criticizing the other by saying,

"ये ऐसा क्यों, ये ऐसा क्यों ?"

We should make a habit of saying...

"इसको भी शक्ति दे, इसको भी शक्ति दे."

to the superpower!

Vincent Van Gogh!?

Once I talked about the friends episode where Joey cannot buy all the volumes...and the salesman talks about Van Gogh!  End of story! But you people do not want to put an end to it! Huh. I see what you are up to and its not okay. Bullying will not be tolerated!

Just think about given a chance would you say the same thing about someone from your family!?

How to deal with rumors #2

This is the most challenging part

2. Stay Calm - Don't get frustrated even though you are hurt and angry. Distance yourself from the situation mentally. Showing your frustration will give power to the person who is spreading the rumor about you. Try mindfulness techniques. Try step meditation. Explore more creative practices like drawing, painting, crafts, sculpting. Even though you are hurt inside we should act calmly and not react in front of others.

It is not the pain

Thursday, December 13, 2018


Have courage and be kind!

and work hard! :)

Not all those that work hard are the horses from
George Orwell's Animal Farm! :)

Stay safe!

The cat is out of the bag :)

Annnnnd......whoooooppiiie ;p

The cat is out of the bag :)
or should I say some raw mangoes are out of the bag ;p!?

When you think about pav bhaji......:) what comes to your mind...?!

How to deal with rumors! #01

1. Don't play Dumb!

Don't pretend like nothing is wrong and avoid trashy small talk.
Please don't discuss weather or fruits!
Pretending nothing is wrong does not mean that there is not something wrong actually. It will not make the rumor go away. In fact it will make the situation worse. Your silence can be misinterpreted and could mean that you know the rumor and you are not doing anything about it. Acknowledge that there is a problem!

This is the tricky part!  - People are more likely to tell rumors that are conceivable and that hinge on the existence of suggestive evidence!

New project coming up...

Rumors can be difficult to deal with. They could start from motifs like, to feel better, to fit in, to gain attention, to improve position or power, to take revenge or just to pass time. Whatever the purpose of the person spreading the rumor. There are some Do's and Don'ts to how to deal with rumors.

Lets go through each of them one day, one illustration at a time!

1. Don't play dumb!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Friday, December 7, 2018

Work in prgress

This is a small glimpse of something I have been working on.


मुश्किल सीन में अच्छा सोचा जा सकता है

इसका मतलब मेरी सोच का सीन से कोई सम्बन्ध नहीं है

- B.K.Shivani

Remind yourself at least 10 times daily....

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Corita Kent | 2016 AIGA Medalist

Directors’ Cuts: “Become Microscope” by Aaron Rose

Posting this again! Inspiring!

Note to self

Dear self,

You have developed an addiction called 'achievement'!
i.e. making things possible with your skill. And living in that momentary ecstasy!

But success requires perseverance, patience, courage and a steady mind.
Don't be so demanding......learn to appreciate small things!

Be consistent with your routine, work and emotions.
and instead of bliss, choose peace!


Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Trying to control things creates resistance.
Resistance from the alignment, resistance from that intuitive voice
that is beckoning you all the time! Resistance from your connection
to a power far greater than yourself. A magnitude that is within 
you that you have forgot to listen to. 

Because you have been too busy focusing on what you want to get. 
But absence of that resistance will we be able to realign. In the absence of that resistance 
that we will be able to remember who we really are! Its in the absence of that resistance that we get connected to the universe. Universe is the ever present energy of love. And it is within us!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Stephen Colbert :)

For you cannot be afraid and laugh at the same time! :)

This man is a genius! If you see this Sir, I hope you like it :)

Stephen Colbert and faith and hope and God!

Recent example of flippancy?!

Recent example of flippancy?! -

someone anonymously (which can also be referred to as A witch hunt!) writing

a roman '4' not 3, not 2 precisely 4!

I am here to create!

Political operative means that you have some gain beyond what you are doing!
Politics itself means that I am not telling you my intention. I am showing you an action that is causing a reaction from you, while I am playing another chess from the other end. And I will triangulate some secretive way, where i will achieve power over you. Remember any political action is class against class.

I am not wanting to gain power over anybody. I am
an artist. I speak form my instinct or I am silent!

There are no looks, no winks no nudges from my end. No flippancy! I am not here to 'win no matter what'! because THAT sounds like a gamble. Winning regardless of its consequence! and gamble is a sin in every scripture and moreover my soul does not approve of it!

Having said that, if you kick me in the wrong place be rest assured, you are gonna get it back, regardless of how powerful you claim you are! You are not THEE! And that is enough for me to sue you! ;p Go up with that thing ;p :D

And I know that all you need is a strong will to build something phenomenal from scratch and that is the intention that God created us! And I know I have it in me! :)

Two spreads from my book Milarepa a Budhhist saint. I worked on this a few years back!

Always remember this!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

One step at a time! :)

 It is possible that every morning, God claps His hands in glee and says every morning to the sun: “Do it again.” And unlike many of us, He jumps up and starts the day :)

Least we can do is walk - One step at a time! :)


Lewis warned of the laughter of Flippancy. Flippancy jokes about goodness, virtue, justice. It is cruelty disguised as joking. Our throats are like open sepulchers, graves where dead laughter exists. The weed of flippancy grows in the soil of superiority and pride. Its grubby root is in meanness. Over a cup of coffee and a sneering wink and a rolling of the eyes, we mock others. We laugh but know we should be repenting.

Lewis denounced flippancy so thoroughly because it was so close to his heart. It was his thorn. He knew its power, of wink-wink, nudge-nudge, know what I mean smirks toward others, living in what he called his own great puddle of naughtiness and meanness toward others. Yet, just because a good gift can go bad, one should not reject it. Laughter must be enjoyed in its goodness and fullness. In fact, laughter contributes to our physical as well as spiritual health.

Know the nature of flippancy...and reject (in your mind)
every effort which leads to pure meanness.
Otherwise it will suffocate your soul! 

Things to remember!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Tarot symbols and E.E. Cummings :)

Since feeling is first,
who pays attention to the syntax of things
will never wholly kiss you,
wholly to be a fool while spring is in the world

- E.E.Cummings

On the Fool Tarot card, a young man stands on the edge of a cliff or (small step?) we do not know niether does he, without a care in the world, as he sets out on a new adventure. He is gazing upwards toward the sky (and the Universe) and is seemingly unaware that he is about to skip off a precipice into the unknown. Over his shoulder rests a modest knapsack containing everything he needs – which isn’t much (let’s say he’s a minimalist). The white rose in his left hand represents his purity and innocence. And at his feet is a small white dog, representing loyalty and protection, that encourages him to charge forward and learn the lessons he came to learn. The mountains behind the Fool symbolize the challenges yet to come. They are forever present, but the Fool doesn’t care about them right now; he’s more focused on starting his expedition.

This is a basic rider tarot deck!

Now he is the man e.e. Cummings is refering to :)

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Inspiring words :)

Intentions are like powerful magnets.
the more we declare them, believe in them,
act in ways to manifest them, 
the more powerful and real they become :)

disasters can turn into great opportunities. So don't be afraid to spill something!
and have a good intention.

P.S. If you don't have a good intention......then may God help you ;p

Stephen Colbert - Witness


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

e.e.Cummings :)

Along with something I had illustrated a few years back....

Stephen Colbert on faith, God and politics in the age of Trump | Faith i...

Watch from 6:04

watch him talk about faith and God! :)

Love his show!

Be Creative

Creativity never goes out of style :)

Cannot wait to try these! :)

Check the link :)

Monday, November 19, 2018

Accept the Blunders that you made!

You alone are responsible for losing your mind!
cannot blame others for your flaws
and if you cannot control your emotions then you look like the biggest idiot!
and others will laugh at you! and you have to live with that!

So Change now. Stop making a fool of yourself.
Its okay to accept that you made a mistake.

What kind of stories do you want to tell?

"What kind of stories do you want to tell?

The stories of the people who dreamt BIG!
and never saw those dreams to fruition!

People who fell in love and lost...

I became an artist and thank GOD! I did!
because we are the only profession that
celebrates what it means to Live a Life!

Stories should be about people and words
and life and forgiveness and grace!

Stories should be about people who teach
us the difference between the good and the bad!"

Illustration I had worked on a few years back....

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Messages like these :)

Got this message today :)
Made my Sunday :)


Featured in 'All About You'

Folks ;p Hahaha :)

I am included in the weekly newsletter of the 
LOVELY Uppercase magazine along with 
some super talented artists :)
Don't forget to subscribe to Uppercase :)

Check out their STUNNING website :)

and work hard! :) :D

Feed for inspiration ❤❤❤❤❤